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Want To Play Better Golf ?
Try Yoga and Pilates – Seriously

Yoga For Golf

The game of golf stresses many different parts of your body. And, if you are not preparing your body to deal with these stresses, you leave yourself susceptible to pain, and injury, from overuse caused by the repetitive motions of golf. As we age our muscles tend to lose flexibility, strength, and resilience.

To maintain, or develop, the fitness level needed to play golf, I recommend a cross training program. No, not running, swimming and weight lifting, but a program that uses disciplines like yoga and Pilates to improve your strength and mobility. Athletes like Lebron James, Tiger Woods and Morgan Pressel have already discovered the value of these disciplines, and I am sure you would benefit from these programs as well.

Below is a sample cross training program that I use with my golfer class. Even if you are unable to find a class that incorporates all of these disciplines, you should at least consider alternating between Yoga and Pilates classes to get most of the benefit.

The Warm Up

Begin every session with a set of exercises that properly warms up the entire body, using movements that warm the muscles and gets the synovial fluid moving to lubricate and loosen the joints.

Movements taken from Yoga and Tai chi are excellent for getting the body moving and into a warm and relaxed state prior to the workout. Shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists, spine and hips are all areas golfers use regularly. I like to do fluid rhythmic movements for all warm ups. Here are a few warm up examples.


Strengthen the various muscles groups, and especially the core muscles, by using movements taken from yoga. Yoga helps to build strength, particularly in the core and stabilizer muscles, with twists and balance postures that build strength and muscle control. Doing these types of poses uses muscles that are often neglected in other forms of training. Stronger stabilizer muscles mean better posture and alignment, and strengthening of these muscles will result in much better performance on the golf course.

A few examples of yoga poses for building core strength, and overall strength, are plank, side plank modification with one leg lifted, airplane with one hand on the block, modified triangle, revolved triangle and modified extended side angle. These postures incorporate the internal and external obliques and transverse abdominis, as well as many other primary and secondary muscle groups.

I also include Pilates mat and ball exercises for improved strength and posture. Efficient movement and improved strength will bring relief from pain associated with physical imbalances, such as back pain. When we talk about strength building and Pilates, it is important to focus on the Pilates powerhouse muscles, or the core muscles. Flat abs, strong backs, and overall muscle tone are all results of Pilates training.

Pilates maximizes performance and builds power by developing a strong foundation of core stability that allows the primary movers and levers to work more efficiently. Pilates helps correct biomechanics for sport-specific movements. An example of some of the exercises that incorporate Pilates would be ball sit ups, balance exercises, ball planks, rotation and side twist.



I am a big believer in the benefits of improved flexibility, and often remind my students that it is never about what you are doing today, it is about what you will accomplish with time and practice. I always include a total body stretch into each class format. Our stretching segment includes hamstrings, shoulders, back, gluts, and piriformis, oblique’s, calf’s and quadriceps. A good example of some of these stretching postures, taken from yoga, would be downward facing dog, pigeon, knot posture and child’s pose. I like to incorporate Pilate’s on the ball stretches, such as hip openers, and back stretches to decompress the spine.


The foam roller is a key component of cross training. It is very important and beneficial to release the fascia around the muscles. You can utilize a foam roller before or after workouts. If used as a “pre-stretch,” it will warm up and loosen any tight tendons, ligaments, and muscles to prevent an injury. Post workout, the roller serves as a way to do self-myofascial release.

The self-massage of a foam roller will literally “release” muscle tissue and encourage mobility. Although it can be painful at times, it is highly beneficial. The best roller to use is a softer type of foam roller. The most obvious benefit of using a foam roller is to prevent injury due to repetitive forms of exercise and inadequate stretching. I always incorporate the foam roller at the end of the class before the stretching segment.

A few examples of foam roller release are: roll out of the IT BAND – lying on your side, rolling back and forth several times, then turn into the quadriceps area and roll there to release any knots or tight fascia. Also roll out the glut, back and shoulder area, as well as the neck. Although you might feel pain in some of these areas at first, as you roll out the tight fascia around the muscle you will feel much better and your performance on the course will improve as a result of better mobility.


This type of program will, in a short period of time, have you feeling better and moving better. Overall health and wellness is the integration of many things. Becoming more fit and gaining mobility is also the integration of many things. Cross training is where it’s at, plain and simple! To get into top shape, and be at your personal best, requires strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and, let’s not forget, releasing of the fascia.

Remember, it’s not about what you can do today, it is about the long term goal of feeling better and moving better, which in turn leads to better performance on the course and off.

Post Submitted To GolfersReport by

Bobbie Lee Davenport
Certified instructor for yoga, Pilates mat and Reformer, ball, rehab wellness specialist and personal trainer


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Try Yoga and Pilates – Seriously

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