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The Easy Path To An Inside to Out Golf Swing

Inside to out swing

View Video  by Jim Venetos

The holy grail of golf, the inside to out swing, seems to elude most of us. I have a friend that has a really good golf game – but he gets there with a natural fade. And yet, he has become obsessed with developing an inside to out swing so he can hit a draw. He has tried everything from rolling his hands, to buying a driver with a draw bias – alas he is still a good fader of the golf ball. So this is for him.

This is a short and sweet video, just a little over one minute, and all you need to remember is that “in order to be out, you need to be in, and in order to be in, you need to close your shoulder.” I think when you watch this video you will have an aha moment.


To see more related videos like this click on Keys To A Good Golf Swing



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