Golf Captains App

New GolfCaptains Release

GolfCaptains Home Page

We are very excited to introduce you to our newest release. In our quest to make GolfCaptains an even better experience, we’ve made some significant improvements and added some great new features. Here are just a couple of the changes:

GetAway Captains

We have added a brand new type of captain, for those who organize buddy golf vacations – The GetAway Captain. This is a three week subscription and it provides all of the functionality of GolfCaptains, for a shorter time interval, and at a reduced rate.


GolfCaptains calculates the handicaps for three different tee boxes, for each of your golf courses, including the adjustment when players play from different tee boxes. If your group plays from different tee boxes, the USGA recommends that you make an adjustment to the handicaps of players playing from non-Base tee boxes. The Base tee box is the one from which most of your members play.

Getting Started
To learn more about our new Golf Captains release view our Getting Started video, or better still sign up for our Free Trial at Golf Captains
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