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Kids and Golf


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Little kids and golf are a wonderful combination. I think we could all agree that one of the most beautiful things to watch on the driving range is the ease and fluidity with which a young boy, or girl, swings a golf club. And I’ll bet that you  can’t help but wonder how great a golfer you could have been – if only you had started playing when you were young and infinitely flexible. But now as a parent, or grandparent, you might feel that, even though you missed your chance, you still have the opportunity to give your child that head start needed to be able to play really good golf, and who knows maybe even win a golf scholarship.

Well at least that was my thinking. So I made sure, that early on in their little lives, I took each one of my three granddaughters out to the driving range, and practice green, to introduce them to the wonderful game of golf. But to my dismay they were much more interested in driving the cart than the golf ball. So my dreams of the first Tigeress went unfulfilled – but at least we got to share some fun one-on-one time. I guess that’s not so unusual because so often children don’t necessarily have the same aspirations for themselves as do their parents.

Well perhaps it is best after all to wait until your child comes to you begging for lessons. And how can you be absolutely sure that your child really wants to play golf? Just remember the name Baby James Grimes. At three years old he is an unbelievable golfer.


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