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Golf In Malaysia

Golf In Malaysia
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Since the world is made up of everyday golfers, it’s no coincidence that GolfersReport gets views from all over the world. In reviewing our statistics the other day, we ranked our views by geography and noticed something very interesting.

As you would expect most of our views come from the United States, but the country in second place, Malaysia, came as a real surprise. We would have thought that second place would go to another English speaking country like the UK (third place) or Canada (seventh place).

As the saying goes, who would have thought? Not knowing much about Malaysia, we thought this might be a mistake, and wondered do they even play golf in Malaysia? Well it’s no mistake, and with over 200 golf courses in Malaysia, across a diverse landscape, golf is very popular both locally and as a golf vacation destination. We came across this travelogue that helps describe golf in Malaysia, as well as what to do when you are not playing golf.


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