While the corona virus still has many of us unable to play as much golf as we would like, Mike Dero thought it would be a good idea to give you some things to do to maintain your sanity and improve your golf. In this video Mike demonstrates his top ten (or more) drills that
So you’ve picked out your target, you carefully align yourself to the target – now wouldn’t it be nice if when you swing, the ball were to actually go in the direction of the target. And if it doesn’t, I guess it could be that you are not correctly aligned, but it could also be
The golf swing truly is a mysterious thing, and maybe that’s why we see so many articles on revealing the secrets of golf, or teaching us the “Magic Move.” All in the hopes of one day, honestly, being able to say “I got it!” In this video Mike Dero demystifies the “Magic Move” and teaches
It goes without saying that to gain greater distance you have to increase your club head speed. Yet we know this is easier said than done, because when you try to swing faster you lose control and the ball goes just about anywhere. So, if you are wedded to your current swing, you may not
Most amateurs need to focus on two basic fundamentals, keep the ball in play and learn how to chip. Most of us have a tough time getting on the green in regulation, so you can never watch enough lessons on chipping to find a technique that works for you. In this video Mike Dero revisits
Mike Dero has made a lot of great videos for GolfersReport, so we thought it only fitting in this new decade to take a look back at Mike’s most popular lesson. ___________________________________________________ Mike Dero tells us you can have fun, and enjoy your golf game, even if you never learn how to compress the golf
Every time I watch an LPGA event, I marvel at how far these ladies can hit the ball. It’s obviously not because they are muscular, so I just assumed that with all that practice they became super humanly synchronized. Well that may be true, but now I know there is more to it than that.
There are buried lies in the sand, and then there are really buried lies. Which means that the shot you use to escape a buried lie depends on just how buried you are. While most of us think that the only way to escape a buried lie is to slam your club in the sand
I think the flop shot, lob wedge, is one of the hardest shots in golf. When it works, it is truly a sight to behold, and when it doesn’t – watch out! I have maybe three lob wedges in my garage, and every time I take one out to play I always regret that decision.
Do you know what to do when you find yourself in a fairway bunker? In this video Mike Dero demonstrates several options for this difficult shot: ranging from bail out, to go for it. _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click Bunker Techniques
A divot tells you a lot about your swing; you can tell if your were aligned correctly; you can definitely feel if you hit way behind the ball; but it doesn’t tell you if you hit the ball first, and then made the divot. The key to hitting long crisp irons, is to hit the
Some of us have a natural fade and some a natural draw. The draw has such a pretty trajectory, makes you look like you know what you are doing and, it is said, gives you more yardage. While a fade just looks wrong, at least to the untrained eye of the everyday golfer. In this
So what is The Pro Finish? We see it every time we watch a golf pro swing a driver. The arms are fully extended toward the target, right hand has rolled over the left, the head looks like it lies flat over a bent torso and we just stare in awe. Can my swing ever
The first thing you learn when you start playing golf, is how to grip the club. And then you grip it however it feels most comfortable, which may or may not be right. We’ve all heard the terms a strong grip, weak grip and a neutral grip. But what difference does it really make how
There seems to be some confusion between what you are allowed to do in a Penalty Area (previously known as a water hazard, plus any area so deemed by course officials), versus what you can do in a Bunker. The rule that allows you to touch the sand in a Bunker, is not the same
There are lots of new rules for 2019, but I think the one that will cause the most confusion has to do with putting. Suddenly you are faced with a new decision – leave the flag in or take it out. In the past it was simple, because you always had to take the flag
In this video Mike Dero introduces us to the concept of waiting, which in turn creates lag and a more powerful swing. But what does it mean to wait, and how do you learn to wait? This is truly one of those concepts where a video is worth a thousand words, and I couldn’t find
I think most of us are familiar with the basic concept that we should be swinging on plane. And you’ve probably seen contraptions, like hoops, that will help you sense what it feels like to be on plane. However, since the golf swing happens so quickly, even if you video your golf swing, it is