When you purchase a golf driver it is essential that the specs of your golf driver match your swing speed, optimum loft and any swing biases you may have
As winter and snow loom, not to worry, you can still practice your bunker shots – from the snow. This is fun yet true, give it a shot when it snows. _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Bunker Techniques
Although a lot more golfers slice than hook, if you have a duck hook, it is just as painful, but maybe easier to fix than a golf slice. In this video Mike demonstrates 5 drills to help cure your hook _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Dealing With Difficult Situations
The full golf shot over water can be one of the scariest shots in golf. But, there is one move that will always give you a chance to pull it off – finish your backswing. To see more related videos like this one click on Key golf Moves
If you are one those lady golfers that let your arms collapse on the backswing and follow through, you are definitely losing power and distance. Learn how to widen your arms in the backswing and release during the follow through
Why spend 95% of your practice time on the range, when you should make chipping your money shot. Since pros only hit 12 greens in regulation, they work hard at chipping. The average mid to high handicapper will maybe hit 4 GIR. Obviously chipping deserves a lot more respect. _______________________________ To see more related videos
You are not alone, over 90% of golfers slice. Learn how to break away from the pack, with tips on why you slice and how to stop that slice. _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Key golf Moves
For a really good golf swing you need to learn, and ingrain, the lag technique. In this video Mike demonstrates how you can learn to feel the lag, then translate that feel into your swing _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Key golf Moves
This videos teaches you what the puller and thrower golf swings really look like, so you can repeat each and decide which is best for you. Try each golf swing and see which is more effective.
In order to get more power and consistency you must always load your backswing for power. Do this while staying in plane and your power will improve.
Learn to use one swing, your dream swing, that you use for different distances and clubs to nail your approach shot _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Approach Shots To The Green
When you are 15 feet from the green is your go to shot a high sand or lob wedge? Maybe you might do better with the old school bump and run. In this video Mike explains why the bump and run may be a better option.
The four foot putt can be really scary when your partner says we really need this putt. Maybe you were hoping for a gimme, but now that you know this four foot putt is important, that changes everything. _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Putting Is More Than Squaring
The importance of the trail foot in golf is often overlooked. A correct position of the trail foot at impact will influence how well you strike the ball _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Key golf Moves
The only time you want to square your club face at impact is when you want to hit a straight ball, which is very hard to do consistently. So most players will hit a draw or fade, which are not square at impact. _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Key
The role of the arms in golf is achieving symmetry from the back swing to the down swing and follow through _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Keys To A Good Golf Swing
Key to a better golf swing is to Improve Your Timing And Tempo. In this video Mike Dero explains how to improve your timing, which in turn leads to repeatable rhythm and tempo. _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click on Keys To A Good Golf Swing
The term clear your hips can be very misleading, and can result in poor ball striking. In this video Mike explains that your elbow must first clear your hips, then the hips move after you strike the ball. This also applies to pitches and chips. _______________________________ To see more related videos like this one click