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Cart Paths Only Today

Health Benefits of Golf

We all know that summer time is golf time. And what is summer, after all, without golf, backyard barbeques, the beach and a dip in the pool? Oh, and let’s not forget the summer rains that brings those beautiful summer flowers and romantic movie scenes of dancing in the rain.

But sometimes we get a little too much rain. Here in Naples Florida it rains everyday all summer long – now that’s certainly more rain than even mother-nature can use. So what happens when it rains so much. Well, sometimes the course is closed or we just get rained out. So we wait until tomorrow and if it looks sunny we grab our clubs and head out to the course – and then we see the dreaded sign: Cart Paths Only.

Why is it that everybody hates to play when it is cart-paths-only. Well for one thing, golfers feel that it really slows up the game and can be quite frustrating. Especially when you grab your 6 and 7 iron, walk to the ball and find your only 100 yards out and have to walk back to get the right clubs. But let’s look on the brighter side. Since no one likes to play when it’s cart-paths-only, you and your buddies have the course to yourselves – no body pushing from behind, and in front of you nothing but wide open spaces – just like the golf gods intended.

And another thing, it’s has to be healthier for you than riding in the cart all day. There are lots of statistics that show that if you walk 18 holes, carrying or pushing, you burn around 1400 calories. If you ride in the cart you burn around 800 calories. I couldn’t find any statistics on cart-paths-only but it stands to reason that it should be somewhere in between, so lets call it 1100 calories. The health benefits of golf have always been underrated, so 11oo calories sounds pretty good to me.

So let’s compare 1100 calories against going home for the day. If you go home, instead of playing, your spouse will probably want you to go the supermarket, or maybe you could catch up on some laundry. But how many calories do you think you will burn pushing the supermarket cart around the store, or waiting for the spin cycle to finish.

So you really should rethink your anti cart-paths-only bias. You have the course to yourself, you come away healthier and I’ll bet you finish your round quicker than normal. By the way if you want to get around even more quickly, just have each player take a separate cart – you’d be amazed at how much quicker you can get around. That is, if your course doesn’t mind; and why should they, you are the only guys out there.


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