by David Nesbitt Hopefully, by now, you have mastered the Dream Swing for those 50, 60, 70 yard pitch shots. So now lets turn to those pesky little 25, 30, 40 yard shots. You could, of course, try and flop the ball up there with your trusty lob or sand wedge. But be honest here,
by Jim Venetos The holy grail of golf, the inside to out swing, seems to elude most of us. I have a friend that has a really good golf game – but he gets there with a natural fade. And yet, he has become obsessed with developing an inside to out swing so he can
by Alistair Davies The concept of flipping your hands at impact is not something I had heard ever been conscious of. However, when I took a few practice swings, I realized that I do flip my hands, but I can’t tell yet if it is at, or, after impact. In this video Alistair Davies explores
by Mike Dero How many times have you found your ball either in, or around a bunker, in what can only be described as a pretty weird lie. It’s the kind of lie that makes you wish you were a contortionist. Well in this video Mike Dero teaches you how to adjust your body in
by Stan Geer I’m sure you’ve heard it said that bunker shots are one of the easiest in golf; heck, you don’t even have to hit the ball. While that may be true for golf professionals, who sometimes even bail out into a bunker, that generally is not the case for the everyday golfer. Witness
by Mike Dero This is the swing you dream about when you are a wedge away from the green, and all you need to do is just float that ball onto the green – anywhere on the green would be good. Mike Dero calls this his Dream Swing #5. Why? Well for starters these short
by Ben Hogan Every now and then your ball lands in a spot where the ground is wet. So, you take your normal stance, swing away and invariably you hit a fat shot. What makes it even worse, since the ground is wet, you take a huge divot and your ball lands way short of
by Mike Dero Today is Thanksgiving and it marks the beginning of our year end holidays. And with these holidays come lots of festive time with family, friends and a good glass of wine. But for we golfers, this also means that we have less time to devote to our passion for golf. But what
of an independent review (this video is a tad long, but you get the idea in the first few minutes) Update – July 2018 Kirkland balls were in stock again for a couple of weeks. And once again they are now out of stock. What gives? UPDATE – April 2017 Kirkland balls are now on
by Mike Dero There are many aspects to the game of golf that are really difficult in which to become proficient. But for most of us good enough is, well, good enough. If your shots can be in the general direction of the flag, that’s pretty good. Until, of course, it comes to putting. To
There will be much said, and written, about the life and times of Arnold Palmer, who meant so much to the game of golf. But this comment below from one of us, an every day golfer, says it all: “In 1964, George Maloney, my friend, my boss, and my soon to be best man, took
by Mike Dero Have you ever hit a shank? Well if you haven’t, don’t read this post because it may jinx you. However, if you have had the misfortune of hitting a shank, quickly followed by another, your first words may go something like this, “what the @#$% am I doing?” And that is the
by John Dodegge It seems self evident that your golf ball will go farther, if your weight shift is toward the target during the downswing, as opposed to moving away from the target. And yet, we all know players that almost always end up falling backwards during the swing, and the result is greater inconsistency
by Sam Adams Have you ever stepped up to the tee on a short par 4, pulled out your three wood, and bam, hit a shot that just felt perfect? Then, on your next tee shot, you revert back to your driver, and it just doesn’t have quite the same feel and doesn’t seem as
by Mike Dero No one is afraid of an uphill putt. But everyone I know dreads a downhill five or seven footer; the steeper the slope the greater the dread. And rightly so, because that downhill seven footer can easily become a 10 footer coming back . That happens because most of us don’t really
by John Dodegge Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that 33 percent to 48 percent of all serious golfers have experienced the yips, and that golfers who have played for more than 25 years, appear to be most prone to the condition. Keep these statistics in mind. The yips occur mostly on short putts. Why?
by Rickard Strongert The long fairway bunker shot ranks right up there with the hardest shots in golf for the everyday golfer. It’s the kind of shot where success has a set of rather low expectations. It’s not how close to the green you get, as long as you clear the bunker and actually have
I have always been a terrible putter, and it has truly been the bane of my golf game. I drive the ball fairly well, no problem in the sand and my chipping is really good, compensating somewhat for my poor putting. I was so desperate in fact that I even tried putting left handed, thinking