A common fault among new lady golfers seems to be the break down of the left elbow, where the club is lifted during the backswing by bending both elbows, a move that also results in very little body turn. Similarly, on the downswing the club is dropped and the arms are not fully extended, causing
A divot tells you a lot about your swing; you can tell if your were aligned correctly; you can definitely feel if you hit way behind the ball; but it doesn’t tell you if you hit the ball first, and then made the divot. The key to hitting long crisp irons, is to hit the
Some of us have a natural fade and some a natural draw. The draw has such a pretty trajectory, makes you look like you know what you are doing and, it is said, gives you more yardage. While a fade just looks wrong, at least to the untrained eye of the everyday golfer. In this
This is episode 10 in the acclaimed series, Teaching Pam To Play Golf. In this episode, Pam gets a lesson on hitting hybrids. In this series we will follow Pam as she begins her odyssey to learn the game of golf. Her instructor, Stan Geer, will take Pam from the putting green back to the
So what is The Pro Finish? We see it every time we watch a golf pro swing a driver. The arms are fully extended toward the target, right hand has rolled over the left, the head looks like it lies flat over a bent torso and we just stare in awe. Can my swing ever
Who doesn’t want more distance? Of course, the more important question is “what do you have to do to get more distance?” Well, the obvious answer, buying the latest and greatest equipment, may not be exactly what you need. Your golf swing is like a complex machine, and if a part fails somewhere in your
The first thing you learn when you start playing golf, is how to grip the club. And then you grip it however it feels most comfortable, which may or may not be right. We’ve all heard the terms a strong grip, weak grip and a neutral grip. But what difference does it really make how
There seems to be some confusion between what you are allowed to do in a Penalty Area (previously known as a water hazard, plus any area so deemed by course officials), versus what you can do in a Bunker. The rule that allows you to touch the sand in a Bunker, is not the same
There are lots of new rules for 2019, but I think the one that will cause the most confusion has to do with putting. Suddenly you are faced with a new decision – leave the flag in or take it out. In the past it was simple, because you always had to take the flag
You walk up to your ball, find that it’s nestled too close to a tree, and you really wish you could hit it with opposite hand. Well you can. Just watch this video by Blair O’Neil to learn to how make this shot. The opening scene of this video demonstrates, without a doubt, why this
Ok – so when I first watched this video, by More Pars Golf, I thought this really looks kind of crazy. So I held onto it for a while. Then one day, while struggling with my swing, I looked at it again and I figured what do I have to lose, so I decided to
This is episode 9 in the acclaimed series, Teaching Pam To Play Golf. In this episode, Pam puts together all that she has learned from Stan, and plays a hole from tee to green. In this series we will follow Pam as she begins her odyssey to learn the game of golf. Her instructor, Stan
In this video Mike Dero introduces us to the concept of waiting, which in turn creates lag and a more powerful swing. But what does it mean to wait, and how do you learn to wait? This is truly one of those concepts where a video is worth a thousand words, and I couldn’t find
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In the previous post by Chris Ryan we learned how important the setup is when hitting a driver vs an iron. And we now know that when hitting the driver you hit the ball on the way up, while with the irons you hit the ball with a steep angle of attack (by the way
I’ve often heard it said that you use the same swing for all your clubs. And that’s what I’ve always done. Now I come to find out that there are parts that are same, but enough that is different, that you have to approach them differently. In this video Chris Ryan gives a very clear
This is episode 8 in the acclaimed series, Teaching Pam To Play Golf. In this episode, Pam takes time off the golf course to learn about staying fit, so you don’t hurt yourself, through a series of short stretches that you can do just before heading out to the course, or the range. In this
The closer you get to the green, the harder the shots become. And when you are faced with a shot that is less than 50 yards, you really need to master those skills that will get you closer to the flag. There are of course a couple of options: hit a high flying wedge that